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Whitehills Nursery School


Whitehills Nursery Schools Vision


At Whitehills Nursery School we embrace and celebrate every child's uniqueness. We treat all children and their families equally and with respect. We have high expectations for all of our children and believe that with the correct level of support and encouragement all children can meet their full potential at our Nursery.

We strive to create an environment that is safe and secure. We aim to ensure that the children become confident (feeling sure of yourself and your abilities in a realistic secure way- it’s a quiet inner knowledge that you’re capable, independent and resilient (resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficult times.)

The children know they will come to Nursery and have a good time and be immersed in a broad, rich and challenging learning environment which promotes progress for all children. Each child will have the time and support to explore and follow their own learning paths, The staff take time to listen to each child and engage in conversation and the sharing of ideas, thoughts and feelings. 

The children have the opportunity to be outdoors, exploring the environment in all weathers, They are encouraged to take care of the natural environment and notice change overtime (seasons, growth). It gives them the opportunity to plan and resource their own play.

The children will learn to be independent and to care for themselves and others, building respectful relationships. We support the children to try and resolve disputes amongst themselves by modelling and encouraging calm, respectful behaviours.

We consider relationships with parents and carers to be vitally important. We aim to create a setting where the parents feel they are always welcome and most importantly they are listened to whatever their concern might be. We strive to support not only the child but the family too.

British values are included in everything we do at Nursery. We understand that Britain has undergone rapid economic and social change in the last few decades and we live in an increasingly diverse society. We recognise that we need to teach our children that it is possible to live together peacefully, each of them a valuable part of our multi-cultural world.

We wish for the children to have the best possible time here at Whitehills, where they are eager to come each day knowing that they are safe to try new thing- even when they don’t succeed the first (or second or third) they will have the support to keep trying. The children will leave our Nursery as confident, resilient and independent children ready for their next step in their education.

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