SEND Information
Our School SENDCO is Kelly Paulowski
SEND provision at our Nursery
Our inclusive provision offers families with SEND a range of options to meet their specific support needs. We always try to find a way to engage and support children and families as best we can. Children with SEND in are supported by all nursery staff, external professionals and agencies. Some children will also received a 1:1 support worker.
All children in our provision have individual planning and documentation that reflects their personal interests and curiosities. Children with SEND also have a need specific action plan, which uses a small step approach to support their learning. This is reviewed on a regular basis with parents. We also create a 'one page profile' for each SEND child. This gives all staff and external colleagues vital information about the child, improving their understanding of the child's unique needs, helping to ensure high well-being.
We also support families by:
- Working closely with the Portage Out Reach Team
- Completing the Portage Development
- Working collaboratively with health colleagues - speech and language services, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, community paediatricians and health visitors
- Consultations with the Education Psychologist Service
- Applying to the High Needs Funding block for money to provide 1:1 support for those children who need extra support.
- Applying for an Education Health Care Plan with parents.
- Supporting parents to attend appointments
- Supporting parents to complete applications for Disability Living Allowance
- Supporting families with the Early Help Assessment
- Signposting
- Publicising the Local Offer
Below is report setting out arrangements for Special Education Needs at Whitehills Nursery School and considering the impact of those arrangement during the year 2024- 2025 Academic Year is below.
Click here to view SEND Report 2024-2025
Click here to view SEND Policy
Please click the website below to read West Northamptonshire’s Local Offer where information about services available for children and young people (aged 0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities in West Northamptonshire is published.